We showed the ZERO-pollution hybrid-hydraulic solution – they chose COAL electrics

Reclaim our Oxygen!

As diesel fuel prices continue to rise, government “consultants” push harder to convert all heavy equipment to battery electric. $7.5 billion tax dollars are already going into building a vehicle charging infrastructure that will consume TONS more coal, and lead to four times more coal pollution. Truck manufacturers are jumping into the game with hope & their hands out.

The 21st Century Truck Partnership is stuck in a cycle of dependency on government handouts as their industry is besieged by a dying economy. As the Biden team ignores the science & issues stricter mandates on electrifying heavy equipment, truck makers are scrambling to comply.

Read between the lines & tell us what you see.

Decades ago, WorldKar Corporation CEO Ken Rieli spelled out the emissions solution: It’s a hybrid-hydraulic drivetrain powered carbon-neutral methanol in his Pulse Detonation Turbine Engine. – It’s still the only ZERO-POLLUTION automotive & truck solution today.