Once you lose air quality, you lose everything.

There’s an urgent need to clear the air, and we all need to work on it together. As you read this, our planet is losing its ability to support life. The oxygen content of the atmosphere has plunged to an … Continued

Open letter to Governor Whitmer, Michigan’s unsustainaable electric vehicle initiative

Dear Governor Whitmer, In regards to Michigan’s electric car initiative, the Chinese proved in Biejing that pure electrics were not a sustainable transportation direction since they required more power than the Chinese grid could supply. Even after ramping up coal … Continued

Biden’s EV marching orders, big bonus for coal industry!

The disinformation on the internet is thicker than coal sludge. Science has taken a back seat to EV cheerleading & religious zeal that ignores the facts. There is no way on God’s once-green earth that EV charging stations are going … Continued

WorldKar is the Efficiency Super-Star

We have a winner in the WorldKar hybrid-electric vehicle. – Can you beat a car that is 9 times more efficient than conventional cars & trucks in urban driving? YES! WorldKar is 36 times more efficient than coal-powered electric vehicles!!!

Secure your global right to good health!

In 2015, approximately 13,000 premature deaths in Germany were attributable to ambient PM2.5 and ozone from transportation tailpipe emissions. – Although air quality has improved since then, the future is by no means secure. Electric vehicles are charged by the … Continued

German auto industry opportunity, Green retrofits for used car exports

Exporting the older, worst-polluting vehicles to poorer, unregulated countries is going to come back to bite Europe in the ass. Read https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/26/climate/used-car-export-pollution.html for more information. The resulting escalation in air pollution in Africa, Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America and the … Continued