Once you lose air quality, you lose everything.

There’s an urgent need to clear the air, and we all need to work on it together. As you read this, our planet is losing its ability to support life. The oxygen content of the atmosphere has plunged to an … Continued

We showed the ZERO-pollution hybrid-hydraulic solution – they chose COAL electrics

As diesel fuel prices continue to rise, government “consultants” push harder to convert all heavy equipment to battery electric. $7.5 billion tax dollars are already going into building a vehicle charging infrastructure that will consume TONS more coal, and lead … Continued

Zero emissions long-haul powertrains NOW, beyond Cummins’ Green truck strategy

Cummins is on the right track with its hydrogen & fuel cell strategy, but existing engine technology and a more immediate Fuel of the Future will give them the competitive edge. The answer lies in WorldKar Corporation’s drivetrain, their proprietary … Continued

Coal-BEVs are combustion vehicles too

posted in: Air pollution | 0

Although the first half of 2019 saw internal combustion engines consume 90% of global automotive sales, electric vehicle sales soared from previous years. Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are external combustion engines. They charge on a predominantly coal-combustion electric grid. Worldwide, … Continued


posted in: WorldKar HEV drivetrain | 0

WorldKar Corporation, in cooperation with Michigan Technological University and the MTEC Smart Zone, established a new global efficiency milestone for urban hybrids in 2008. Focusing on the urban gridlock situation as the most inefficient driving cycle, WorldKar CEO Ken Rieli … Continued