Once you lose air quality, you lose everything.

There’s an urgent need to clear the air, and we all need to work on it together. As you read this, our planet is losing its ability to support life. The oxygen content of the atmosphere has plunged to an … Continued

Herd immunity can’t fix our polluted air

“Epidemics like influenza temporarily induce herd immunity until a new dominant strain emerges, causing successive waves of epidemics.” So says the wisdom on Wikipedia. The article continues to encourage the Herd to think in terms of Universal Vaccines that can … Continued

German auto industry opportunity, Green retrofits for used car exports

Exporting the older, worst-polluting vehicles to poorer, unregulated countries is going to come back to bite Europe in the ass. Read https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/26/climate/used-car-export-pollution.html for more information. The resulting escalation in air pollution in Africa, Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America and the … Continued